This week started off great!
Remember the quote to level my concrete slab out front came back at $850? Well, that’s not acceptable to me and neither is a trip hazard. I watched some youtube videos and saw that a lot of people felt the same and had figured out various ways to level their concrete themselves. I decided to do it too. On Monday morning, I was at Menard’s looking at the materials I needed and a gentlemen asked me to help him get some bags of concrete on his cart. I agreed and he said he was just kidding. He asked what project I was buying materials for. This happens often at home improvement stores and I never know if people are hitting on me or just being nice, friendly, normal people. Either way, I am always friendly and nice, since that’s how I like to be treated. I explained my project to the gentleman, who owns a company specializes in laying concrete slabs. He asked where my house was and I gave him a five-block area (I was a little creeped out when he asked, I’m not gonna lie). He was working on a job about two blocks from my house that day and had some leftover materials. He asked if I’d like him to come level my sidewalk for free with his extra materials. I thanked him and said I would be fine on my own. He offered again and I thought, “Why am I turning him down? He wouldn’t offer if he didn’t want to help and I am definitely in need of help.” So I accepted. That afternoon, he came with an employee and leveled my sidewalk. I couldn’t believe it and felt so incredibly grateful! FAITH IN HUMANITY = RESTORED! While there, he took a look at my concrete pad in the back, recommended that I wait until spring, and quoted me a great price. I got his number and will book him in the spring! Win-win!
Our furnace was installed on Thursday of this week! There were some hiccups and it took the technicians ALL day, but it’s installed! It was below freezing that day and they said they wouldn’t leave me out in the cold. Once it was installed, they left and I cranked the heat to 80 degrees. Wade and I enjoyed an evening of warm bubble baths and sitting around in our bathrobes all toasty (yay for no stocking caps, mittens, and jackets in the living room!). The next day, the temp was set at our modest 64 degrees, where it will remain the majority of the time.
I got some painting done on the front porches. When I originally planned to paint, I did not think it would take as long as it has, but I am a bit of a perfectionist. When you get close to the wood, you can definitely tell that there are multiple layers of old paint, but it turned out better than I expected.
This week, we got the appraisal report for our new house and its good news! We are good to move forward! As a side note, the roof of the new house is in bad condition and I had a company give me a quote. It came in at a grand total of $21K and took my breath away when I saw it. To be fair, it did include tearing off a couple layers of shingles, new gutters, soffit repairs, and new face boards. Still. No. Just no. But we close in less than two weeks!