(414) 671-9513 niki@rentmaqua.com

This week was another slow, semi-productive week. This week the temperature dropped significantly and since we still have no heat, it was a bit brutal. As a former North Dakotan, I find the cold takes away any motivation I have; I have absolutely no resilience to it. So I spent a good portion of the really cold days huddled around our small electric heater fireplace (literally, sitting next to it) with the dogs.

I did go to our home inspection for the new house on Monday and learned so much from the inspector (as well as soaked up the heat in the house). This guy was great and spent so much time teaching me about the house as well as making recommendations for up-keeping the property. He even got me a 43 page inspection report the same day! There were no deal-breakers in the report, but we were able to negotiate the price quite a bit! Score!

I spent one full day in bed with a bad migraine. I struggle with frequent headaches (almost daily), but only get migraines about once a month. They are debilitating and absolutely suck. Not just that it’s painful, but that I have other things I need to be doing! It’s such a miserable waste of a day. To my fellow migraine-sufferers, I understand your pain.

So, Wade and I bought a washer and dryer for The Maple House from my BFF’s sister in Manitowoc and last time we were there, we tried to bring the washer home and it just barely DIDN’T fit in the focus. Damn. So we rented a mini-van from Priceline for one day this week and drove to Manitowoc to get the washer and dryer (I also got to chat up my BFF for about 20 minutes, which is always a highlight of my day/week/month). While we were loading the washer and dryer, a neighbor put about 12 wooden windows out on the curb, so we took those too, because why not? I had also found some amazing antique sinks on Facebook Marketplace for $45 each. Since we are about to buy a new house and will be doing renovations at some point in the future, I figured I could stand to build my collection at a good price. Amiright?!

We picked up the sinks in a small village near Manitowoc on our way back. They are amazing! But what’s more amazing is the property owned by the guy who sold us the sinks. He gave me a tour of his barn and horse stables. This building is 150 years old and in perfect condition. This craftsmanship is incredible and this wasn’t even built to be a home. I had never seen a place like this in real life, only in movies and TV shows. It was incredible and made me feel so proud that we’re saving The Maple House and in the future, our new house. These are little pieces of history and were built with so much love. They must be preserved. And I volunteer as tribute to be the person to do it!

Then we picked up a funky dresser that I had paid for the week prior at the Habitat for Humanity Restore. It is so cool and needs to be restored. What was I thinking taking on another project? I can’t help myself.